Rough initial TOC for "Windows Phone 8.1 Field Guide"
Saturday, June 14, 2014 at 11:13AM
Paul Thurrott

Following up on my previous introductory post, here's a rundown of the new TOC (table of contents) for "Windows Phone 8.1 Field Guide." In addition to creating a few new chapters, I've also split out some chapters into two or more chapters (Music, Videos and Podcasts has become three separate chapters, for example). So now there will be about 23 chapters, compared to 17 in the previous edition.

Some chapters have been renamed (Store becomes Store + Apps, for example, and Photos becomes Photos + Camera, among others). There is a new chapter for Personalize Your Phone (previously part of a chapter but expanded) and a new Phone Maintenance chapter that will cover the Sense apps and some other stuff. I've also removed the chapter numbers to keep the book consistent with the wider "Field Guide" style guide.

Here's the new chapter listing...

Getting Started

The Windows Phone User Experience

Personalize Your Phone

Store + Apps

Cortana + Search


Phone + Skype

Messaging + Skype

Maps + Location


Internet Explorer

Office + OneNote

Photos + Camera






Phone Maintenance



PC Integration

Article originally appeared on Windows Phone 8.1 Field Guide by Paul Thurrott (
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